REO Properties for Sale

For over 25 years has assisted property owners in financing their dreams and has helped them through difficult situations by giving them creative solutions. As both a lender and broker, we have a "large bag of ideas" to assist clients in achieving their goals.

This is NOT a cookie-cutting lending technique but unique, affordable solutions to real-life situations. We stand a cut above other private hard money lenders by offering much-needed solutions for our clients when they need them most. Our commitment to providing an outstanding level of individual customer attention has helped us establish a reputation for superior service in the industry. "When the going gets tough, the Tough gets!!!"

Ownership and management have years of experience in a variety of real estate loans. Other companies might talk quality service, but at, we deliver it! Call or click us today! works with brokers to close the deal fast, fair and confidential. Below is a list of our loan advisors that available to help you place your deals with us.

Massey Kouhssari - Principle 

Tomas Green - Account Executive

Tracy Thornton - Account Executive

John Zagiri - Account Executive