LO & Branches Wanted
Post date: Feb 14, 2011 6:45:21 AM
Are you ready for the new regulatory changes that will permanently affect your
business and YOUR income??
If you are a independent broker please take a look at
the attached link right away….Regarding loan officer
compensation from the NAMB!!!!
Are you a FNMA, FHLMC, AND GNMA SELLER SERVICER????? You need to be?
Be a banker ( No YSP disclosure!!
FHA purchase down to 580 credit through loan possible
Underwriter in your office at our expense
Loan revenues posted to your account on banked loans within 24 and branch accounting available 24-7 through online real-time software
No fee on banked loans
Eliminate warehouse fees
Tired of Post closing issues keeping you from YOUR money????
Freedom to hire your own loan officers and operations staff to grow your
Company assisted hiring program for loan officers
BankerBroker University training site for loan officers and processors training
Partners program for you to form partnerships with credit union and smaller
regional banks
Freedom to add your appraisers to our in-house BankerBroker
Freedom to process your own loans in your office or contract in your area
Freedom to choose your own title company
Contact BanerBroker.com 949-607-8808 to find out about career options as a BankerBroker