Post date: Jun 07, 2011 6:39:34 PM

Dear Client,

An important aspect of my business is assisting both our borrowing and lending clients' realize their commercial vision and ambitions in a number of ways:  I might provide debt and equity opportunities and analysis as an investment or I might provide  important business introductions that result in meaningful relationships and probably most common, I will provide business capital for operations or expansion.  Oftentimes our lending clients use their capital to create attractive and strategic relationships with our borrowing clients...such is the case with our most recent accounts. 


Our Client 

Our client is building a physicians group and seeks to have access to all types of medical and health care personnel, including doctors, nurses, administrators, facility owners, etc.  Our client is a California resident and wants to lend his capital in the healthcare industry, where access to successful physicians is prevalent. 


The Borrower  

The typical borrower our client seeks is either a hospital, hospice, assisted living, Independent Physician Association, Medical Group, Acute care facility, convelescent facility, surgery facility or any owner of medical real estate facilities.  Prefer California but will look nation-wide. 


Capital Deployment 

Loan amounts that are being deployed range from $250,000 to $1,000,000.  We prefer real estate backed transactions in 1st or 2nd position but will entertain non-real estate backed offers where capital is being used to enhance profitability or diffuse some business related stress.  Moreover, we will consider partnerships, joint ventures and possible start-ups that are physician motivated. 

Miscellaneous Notes: 

I am always looking for off market deals for apartments and shopping centers and am still very active in the fix and flip marketplace.