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Post date: Nov 02, 2010 3:41:19 AM
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry
License Item: Credit Report
This e-mail is being sent to notify you that a license item requiring a credit report has been placed on one or more licenses or pending applications associated with your NMLS Record. To meet this requirement, you must complete the identity verification process (IDV) and authorize a credit report through NMLS prior to the deadline imposed by the state(s) in which you are licensed or have a pending application. However, if your company will pay for your credit report they must initiate the process, so speak with them first. For full details and instructions, see Professional Requirements > Credit Report.
Many state regulators will require the credit report prior to approving the renewal of any license/registrations for 2011. Review the MLO SAFE Compliance Requirement Chart for specific state credit report deadlines.
NMLS Resource Center: www.nationwidelicensingsystem.org
NMLS Call Center: (240) 386-4444, Monday through Friday between 9:00 am -7:00 pm (ET).