Blessings to you

Post date: Dec 22, 2010 7:22:5 PM

I want to thank all of you, for helping to make  us the number one mortgage brokerage company in the country.  No one closes more loans a month than we do and we do that in partnership with you.  Thank you so much!!!


It has been a privilege to get to know you.  I hope you are as excited as I am about this upcoming year.  I just want to make sure you know that I appreciate you and, wish you a VERY merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


Be blessed! – Massey Kouhssari




Typically, this is a time of year where you see family and friends you may not have seen in a while.  Make sure you let them know that you love them.  Nothing is more tragic than love that goes unexpressed! Don’t let the moment slip away.  Take care and if you know of anyone who has been turned down that might need assistance getting closed, don’t forget about us.  Just give me a call at 877-410-6663